Our coaching philosophy

Our coaching philosophy

Beyond proficiency in the use of moves, mind, spirit and stillness the greatest wisdom a full time professional coach possess is mindful awareness. Awareness creates the space for intuition as to which move to use in which moment, with which client, or perhaps to just...
The Servant Leader – From Doing to Being

The Servant Leader – From Doing to Being

Servant leadership is the ability to trust your team enough to stand to one side, get out of your team’s way, and guide them to achieving your goals. Servant leaders know when to stop marching in front or pushing from behind.  It’s a subtle but important skill.  When...
Play to Win

Play to Win

We understand.  You are a talented C-Suite executive, or perhaps a business owner or other professional.  You’ve worked hard to develop your skills and abilities, and there is no longer any doubt about your ability to deliver.  You are a proven leader in your field,...
Ready to Choose your Coach?

Ready to Choose your Coach?

I have yet to meet an individual who doesn’t want to grow. Of all the people Experiential Learning has worked with nobody has said to me “Hey David – listen I am done now, this is the finished product, here I am, perfect”! Everyone I have met can always see the...