

Something has been playing on my mind for a couple of years now that I really haven’t spoken about it out of fear of being “politically incorrect” and hypocritical. I have been a coach since 2006, 14 years at the time of writing. I love my job and I believe strongly...
Our coaching philosophy

Our coaching philosophy

Beyond proficiency in the use of moves, mind, spirit and stillness the greatest wisdom a full time professional coach possess is mindful awareness. Awareness creates the space for intuition as to which move to use in which moment, with which client, or perhaps to just...
Fight or Flight?  ….. or Both?

Fight or Flight? ….. or Both?

It’s well known that we humans are hardwired to have one of two responses in the face of adversity – we either stand and fight back, or we run for the hills!  Evolution has seen us develop both these automatic responses for good reason. They maximise our chances...